Have you ever received a handwritten thank you card?

If you have, then you know just how appreciated you felt when you read it.

Thank you cards show the recipient that you care about them and value their efforts.

In my case, I send thank you cards to my clients to express my gratitude. For example, I had a client recently provide a video testimonial for my website. I knew it took time and effort for them to create the video and I wanted to let them know just how much I appreciated it.

There’s just one problem. I’m terrible at writing thank you cards.

I can type all day, but I have bad handwriting. I also never have thank you cards sitting around. This means I have to pick them up when I’m at the store. I could also order them online and wait for them to ship.

This is an issue, because thank you cards should be timely.

Lucky for me, there are robots that can write my thank you notes now.

Here’s The New Quick And Painless Process Of Sending Thank You Cards

When I want to send a handcrafted thank you note I look no further than Bond.co. I have no affiliation with this site, just great experiences!

Bond allows you to customize your note with a handwritten touch using a series of simple steps.

Here’s all you have to do:

1. Select the thank you card you like
2. Type in your message
3. Pick a handwriting style (I personally go with Bedford!)
4. Fill in your address and the address of the person getting the card

Instead of printing a note that looks similar to handwriting, the company has a robot that physically holds a pen and writes out the note for you.

I had to test it out for myself. I couldn’t believe that a robot with a pen could pass as a handwritten thank you card. I mailed a thank you to myself and when it arrived I was pleasantly surprised.

The card stock was a good quality and I could see the indentations on the paper where the robot had pressed with the pen. It looked like a person had written the letter. When I held it in my hands I knew this is how I would send thank you cards from now on.

What Does It Cost To Have A Robot Write Your Thank You Card?

Thank you cards can be pretty inexpensive if you pick up a plain card at the store and mail it out yourself. For the reasons mentioned above, I would rather pay a premium and have the robots at Bond write it for me.

These thank you cards cost about $5.00 each with some discounts for ordering multiples. The money I spend on one of these gives me the peace of mind that my client is receiving a quality, heartfelt, handwritten appreciation note in a timely manner.

Show Your Client You Appreciate Them!

Maybe you love writing each thank you note by hand. Nothing wrong with that! But for those of use that tend to forget or have bad handwriting, having a robot write our thank you cards is a great way to let our clients know that we appreciate them.