I speak with a lot of lawyers a lot about creating content on a regular basis because creating content daily is the absolute best marketing strategy that I have ever seen, even for myself. I’ve gotten so much out of creating content every single day. I just pull out my phone, press record, and start talking to my phone. It’s better than any form of marketing I’ve ever done, and the best part is it’s free.
What If I Don’t Have Time To Create Content?
One of the biggest fears that I receive from a lot of attorneys is that they don’t have time to create content. They say, “I don’t have time to take five minutes a day, I’m so busy, I can’t pull out my phone, I can’t record, I can’t do anything like that,” and here is my argument to that.
I created this video while sitting in my car and using a cell phone holder. Most attorneys have time driving to the office, to the courthouse, or to wherever, and during that time, you’re probably listening to the radio, podcasts, eBooks, etc.
Take five minutes, pull out your phone, and get a cell phone holder, I’m not saying to do this while you’re driving. If you notice in my video, I’m not even looking at the camera. I’m just talking as if I was talking to somebody next to me, and this is a great way that you can create content.
Creating Content On-The-Go Makes It Easier!
To make creating content on-the-go easier, you can purchase a cell phone holder. I got a cell phone holder that clips on to the air vent on Amazon. I just use the forward-facing camera, hit record, and start talking. I don’t drive that often because I work from home, but there’s a lot of people that do.
How long are you really in the car for? Probably around 10-20 minutes every day. This is a great opportunity to pull out your phone, create a video, and talk about something interesting that happened that day. You can also discuss an interesting case that you’re working on, something that you’re currently reading, or anything that’s going to provide value.
You can use this content to promote your law firm. The excuse that there is no time is simply an excuse, not a reality. There’s time to do it while you’re multitasking or while you’re driving.