Two weeks ago, I was at Funnelhacker live, where a guy named Garret White spoke about different ways to start your day.
One of the things he suggested was a green smoothie that he drinks every morning. I like to think I eat pretty healthy, especially considering that I’m vegan about 95% of the time. However, a lot of times when being vegan, it’s not always healthy foods. In fact, I eat a lot of carbs and it just kind of drains my energy.
Can A Smoothie Increase Productivity?
So, I figured, alright I’m going to give it a shot. I’m going to try this ridiculous green smoothie that he makes, and I want to share with you guys because I’ve had it two days in a row now, and the results are pretty crazy.
I eat vegetables, but I don’t eat this much vegetables and fruit all at one time. Before, all I would typically have for breakfast in the morning was an English muffin with hummus on it or something, but I didn’t get a lot of energy out of those.
I’ve been drinking these smoothies for two days now, and it’s been insane. I’ve had a ridiculous amount of energy, and I’m being a lot more productive and getting a lot more done because I’m just thinking more clearly.
What Is The Recipe For This Smoothie?
I wanted to show you the process that goes into making this smoothie because it can be a little overwhelming. It actually fills up an entire blender and you’re supposed to drink the entire thing, so here we go. Let me show it to you.
We’ve got an entire apple, two whole bananas, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, half a can of orange juice concentrate. My wife jokes that this smoothie is not a healthy smoothie because it uses half a can of orange juice concentrate with all the sugar. Maybe it’s true that that’s where I’m getting the energy from, but to make up for it, I like to think that the entire 9 oz bag of spinach I add will do the job.
To be fair, I don’t use the entire half can like the recipe says, instead what I do is use about 1/3 of it, just to make the whole thing a bit sweeter. As I get used to this, I’ll probably start using less and less and less. But the energy that I am getting from this is pretty crazy.
So, let’s go ahead and make this thing. Alright, now we’ve got the orange juice in there, and as you can see, I didn’t add the whole half can as they recommend. Now the last thing we typically do is add a little bit of water.
Alright, we are finished, so let’s see if we can get a cup and test this out. It’s a little more pea green than I’m used to, and it’s a different shade of green every time, but I think it just depends on how much fruit I add in there.
It’s pretty yummy and gives you a ton of energy. I have only been doing this for three days, but it tastes really good and serves as my breakfast and my lunch because I haven’t been hungry for lunch, especially after eating this ridiculous amount of vegetables, or spinach and fruit for breakfast.
Have you ever tried anything like this? Do any of you use green smoothies? Are you interested in trying this out? Let me know.