I recently witnessed a debate online about how marketing works, how easy or difficult marketing is, and what your message should be, etc. One thing I noticed is that several people debate about how to write ad copy, how to do online marketing, and how to sell things.

Wait, Marketing Is Easy?

I realized that most people don’t understand the fundamentals of how to sell things online or how to market yourself. I mean marketing is not difficult, marketing is really easy actually. It’s a simple matter of finding a market, like divorce, personal injury law, or real estate law. You find a market, figure out what people want, and then you sell it to them.

A lot of times people are over-complicating things. They’re guessing, thinking, “maybe it’ll work if we change the message to this.” The reality is that you’ve got the data and access to clients like the type of people that you’re serving.

For example, if you are a divorce attorney, and you currently have divorce clients, then you can figure out what they want and find more people like them. If you could figure out what their desires are, what their fears are, and what they want, and then have all of your messaging based around that, it’s pretty simple.

How To Use Marketing To Give The People What They Want

Let me give you a perfect example. if you’re a bankruptcy attorney, there’s a lot of fears that are going to come along with bankruptcy. Someone who is going through bankruptcy may be worried that they’re going to lose their house. They may be worried that they can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney. But the biggest thing is they want to resolve their debt issues.

They want to get out of debt, be able to afford their payments, not have bill collectors calling, etc. You can also talk to some of your clients and figure out exactly what it is that they want.

Maybe the majority of them just want the bill collector to go away, or even some of the pressure taken off of them. What you could do with all of your messaging is give people what they want.

Leading With Desire In All Of Your Messaging

Whatever that biggest desire is, that’s what you need to be leading with, not the fact that you have 25 years of experience and are board-certified. What you need to be leading with is what you can do for them. The thing that you can do for them should be the thing they want, and if you change your messaging to reflect this, you’ll have a ton of success almost instantly.

Even with a consultation, when someone comes in, they ask, “why should I hire you?” The answer should not be because I’ve got 25 years of experience, the answer should be because I can do x y and z for you, because I can achieve the thing that you want, I can give you that peace of mind, and put together a plan that allows you to eventually be able to buy a house or  consolidate all of your credit cards into one payment that you can afford.

This can also apply to child custody because some fathers are afraid that they’re going to lose custody of their kids or that they’re never going to see their kids. This a big fear.

In this situation, what you need to do is lead with what you can do for them. Lead with the benefit, and when that benefit matches exactly what they want, then you’re going to have success every time.

I didn’t make any of this stuff up, I learned a lot of it, and once I began understanding these concepts, it all started to make more sense. Even for my own business when I’m trying to get lawyers to hire me to do their marketing. Why would I talk about my experience, all the lawyer cares about is getting clients. They don’t care about how much experience I have, they care about what they’re going to get out of hiring me.

It’s the same thing with your clients, they only care what you can do for them. They don’t care about how much experience you have, they care about the end result. If you follow that method and strategy, I think you’re going to have a lot of success.